Avoid Invalidating your car insurance this Autumn and Winter
Our typical British Autumn and Winters are usually wet,windy, muddy and snowy affairs and this year isn’t set to be any different . When out and about in soggy conditions you will likely be protecting your feet against the elements with a good old fashioned pair of wellies or a sturdy set of walking or snow boots.
But when you’re done for the day , do you change your shoes into something less bulky? Many of us don’t.
Your car insurers may refuse to pay out on your claim if you are found to be wearing inappropriate footwear. Your boots/wellies could get stuck to or slip on the pedals giving you less control of your vehicle.
Research from Aviva last year found that 13% of drivers have driven in wellies. While it isn’t illegal to drive in them its worth remembering that rule 97 of the highway code states motorist must ensure clothing and footwear do not prevent you using controls in the correct manner.
Always keep a sturdy pair of shoes in your vehicle for driving ideally one’s that can be fastened securely and with a good grip on the sole. The right footwear makes driving a lot less hazardous , Wellies can also make it difficult to control your feet and movement on the pedals.
What is appropriate footwear for driving ?
AA Recommends
- Soft Shoes
- Thin Sole
- Slight Grip
- Lightweight
- Not chunky
- Basic flat shoe or trainer
Your best bet is to always have a spare pair of appropriate footwear in your car so you don’t get caught out.
If you’re on the hunt for competitive car insurance or want something to add on your existing policy give Daulby Read Insurance Brokers a call on 01244 311 033 or email enquiries@daulbyread.co.uk
We can help all types of drivers find the cover, whether you’re a learner,student or new driver or you’re looking to cover a premium vehicle.