How Eye Care Can Improve Productivity

Ensuring safe and clear vision can help employees across sectors complete their job effectively and protect their eyes from on-site dangers. However,recent research reveals that prioritising eye care in the workplace offers even greater advantages,including overall employee well-being and increased productivity.

Although only 52 per cent of organisations currently provide employees with eye care at work, a recent study by Specsavers Corporate Eye care found that 42 per cent of HR decision makers believe offering workplace eye care improves overall employee health and well-being. Not to mention,37 per cent of respondents reported the potential for increased productivity due to eye care offerings, seeing as eye-related ailments (headaches and tired eyes) would decrease. Further,35 per cent of respondents believe improved morale would occur as a result of prioritising employee eye health.

Apart from these various benefits,many employers may be required to provide eye care due to the nature of their working environment. Laws such as the Display Screen Equipment and personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at work regulations state that employees must receive necessary eye care at work to prevent safety hazards.

Consider the following tips for prioritising eye care in the work place:

  • Regularly assess your employees workstations for potential eye-related risks. Remove as many hazards as possible and reduce additional risks by providing staff training and implementing proper controls,such as PPE or necessary spectacles.
  • Conduct routine eye exams to ensure your employees meet the vision standards required for completing their job effectively and are aware of any eye ailments that require treatment.