Take a closer Look at Your Stamps: Avoid This New Fundraising Fraud

As the New Year begins, many charities will set goals to increase their fundraising success. And while a number of organisations have turned to collecting used stamps for their fundraising efforts, the Charity Commission recently issued an alert for charities to be aware of the potential for stamp fraud practices.

Stamp fraud is known as the preparation,distribution and sale of used stamps for reuse as valid postage-typically sold online at a reduced price. The Charity Commission’s alert said that charities may be unintentionally enabling this form of fraud by selling packages of used stamps to those who claim to be collectors, but are actually criminals.

To avoid stamp fraud:

  • Be wary of odd requests- If an individual wants to purchase stamps from your charity in bulk or makes requests for specific stamps (eg non value indicator stamps),this could be a red flag.
  • Use a trusted seller- When purchasing stamps for your charity, be sure to use a reputable seller, such as the Post Office. Do not accept stamps sold at a discounted price.
  • Report suspicious behavior- If someone attempts to engage in some form of stamp fraud with your charity, decline their request and report this behavior to Royal Mail.